Member-only story
at your own risk.
in my middle school spelling bee,
i lost when i misspelled asterisk.
that night,
i looked up the definition
and wrote it over and over
and over again.
i didn’t want to forget
that a star-like symbol spelled
a s t e r i s k
is quote-un-quote a reference
to an annotation.
the longer i stared at the word
a s t e r i s k
the sooner i realized
that if you omit
the first s and the only e,
you’re left with
a t r i s k.
at risk.
we were in love once.
i denote love with an asterisk.
omit the first s and the only e.
i think the word love
should always come
with an asterisk attached.
i tell myself this over and over
and over again.
fall in love,
but at your own risk.